This feature gives you the ability to set up repetitions for any entities whether it's a task or a reminder of a payment. The repetition is configured once, and then the task will be repeated (created) automatically, as long as this is allowed by the repetition conditions.

How to set up recurring tasks.

  1. To begin with, you need to configure the task on a schedule (cron) every hour on your server, which will check out the repeat rules. The path to the [document root]/cron/recurring_tasks.php
  2. Then in the access settings specify the groups of users who are allowed to create repetitions.
  3. If the user has access, a "Repeat" menu item will appear on the record page, clicking on which you can create a repeat rule for recording.
  4. For each record, you can set up multiple repetitions. Repetitions can be of various types (daily, weekly, etc.), have their own interval and limits. See the video review for more details.