Cloning related records is the process of transferring data from entities that differ in structure. At the moment, using the "Entity, drop-down list (ajax)" field, we can transfer field data from the selected entity to the current form. However, if we need to transfer data between different branches of the entity tree and take into account nested entities, the special tool "cloning records"will help us to implement this feature.

The "Clone nested records" action type appears in action automation if the relationship between the current entity and the template entity is established, and both entities have nested entities. That is, the cloning process occurs between nested entities.

After creating an action for cloning, click on its type and get to the page "Clone nested records", where we add rules for cloning.

In the rule form, indicate:

From entity - data source.
To Entity  - is an entity in which data will be placed.
Fields - rules for transferring data between fields.

Watch our video review, where a practical example shows how the cloning process works: