Two-step authentication is a method of identifying a user by requesting two different types of authentication data, which provides a two-layer, and therefore more effective protection of the account from unauthorized access.

Step 1: enter the username and password of your account in the Rukovoditel.

Step 2: enter a special 4-digit code generated by the application and sent to the user by email or SMS.

To enable this feature, go to the "Settings - 2-Step Verification" page and select the "Enable 2-Step Verification" option.

By default, the code is sent to the user's email.

To send the code by SMS, you will need the Extension that has SMS modules. If the extension is already installed, select the "Send code by: SMS" option.

Next, you need to select the SMS module and specify the field where the user's phone is stored.

After entering the username and password, the user gets to the page where you need to enter the code from the SMS.

Note: you can force 2-Step authentication to be disabled by adding the following line to the config/server.php file


This can be useful if there are technical problems on the server where the code is not sent to the user.